SMS marketing vs Email marketing

Should I use SMS Marketing or Email Marketing? A recent study of marketing recently found that using loyalty programs increases business leads by 80%.

Question is, “how do you get your customers to engage with your loyalty program?” If you have already started such program and are advertising it.  How do your customers go about joining your campaigns? What is the best way to engage with those who have joined?

If your answer is email address sign up, emailed newsletters and coupon codes than you may be losing out on valuable customers who tend to visit your site repeatedly.

Rather, if you consider running a similar campaign via SMS. SMS is a far more effective method from beginning to the end of implementing an effective loyalty program; SMS campaign gives 60%+ repeat customer rate.  Here’s why:

SMS marketing vs Email marketing


Subscribers: Getting Members

Our first step with running a successful campaign is to get customers to subscribe to our offers. For this Email campaigns are simply not all that feasible when compared to an SMS campaign. When running campaigns over email our main options are:

  1. Customer has to manually write his email id into the register or website
  2. Customer can skip offer and the contact form on your site
  3. Customer doesn’t have a Smartphone or a web enabled phone, we will miss out on such customers

SMS is much simpler option, which requires minimal effort on your customers’ part, just type into a 5-digit short code (e.g. “SMS OFFERS to 11011”).

Managing Visitors: Getting Traffic

Great, now that we have subscribers we have to move on to how you’ll get them to read your updates. An attractive offer with compelling design may get completely ignored if subscribers don’t bother to open your message. Now next step is to make sure all our subscribers actually see our content.

This is where SMS marketing really overshadows Email-marketing. According to a study MailChimp gives 25% benchmark for email marketing campaigns delivery rate as of February 2016. But SMS marketing is way ahead massive 90% rate for SMS, based on a recent study. SMS marketing will give you a definite advantage in running your campaigns.

Engagement: Getting traffic

After building your customer base and expanding the subscribers to your site or business, the final step is to use your campaign to perform some action from your subscribers. That is to make a strong campaign to attract your existing customers to come back to you again and again multiple times.

At a start level for the beginners SMS subscribers show more engagement with SMS marketing campaigns far more than email marketing programs. A recent study showed SMS has 6 times more response rate than of email marketing.

Even, SMS marketing will give you quick result. A study in SMS marketing found that 85% of SMS users read messages within five seconds after getting delivered. This means that SMS is the perfect way to run time bound offers to our customers. Coupled with marketing strategies such as not sending messages when people generally take dinner or when they are stuck in traffic returning home from their office.

One final advantage of SMS marketing: Consumers keep their phones close to themselves within arms’ reach and will be receiving your offers not only when they’re at work, but also while they’re on the go.

Conclusion is whether your aim is getting more subscribers, visitors or more customers, choosing SMS marketing for running your loyalty program has the potential to attract huge profits in multiple levels of income. Get a personalized Free Business Analysis done by us to get you started.

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