Should a Bank/Financial Service Use External URL Shortener Services?


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, banks and financial institutions are increasingly harnessing the power of online platforms to reach their customers. One common practice in the digital marketing toolkit is the use of URL shorteners. These handy tools can make links more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, but should banks and financial services rely on external URL shortener services for their digital campaigns? In this blog, we’ll explore the use of URL shorteners in the banking sector, examining both the advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, we’ll discuss whether this practice aligns with SEO guidelines and industry best practices.

I. Understanding URL Shorteners

URL shorteners are online tools or services that convert long, cumbersome URLs into shorter, more manageable links. This conversion process involves substituting the original URL with a unique alphanumeric code or a custom keyword, making the link more visually appealing and easier to share. URL shorteners are widely used on social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and various digital marketing materials to improve the user experience and track link engagement.

II. Pros of Using External URL Shortener Services in Banking

  • Improved User Experience: Shortened URLs are more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing, especially when shared in print materials, emails, or on social media. They take up less space and look neater, which can enhance the overall user experience.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Many URL shortener services offer robust tracking and analytics features. Banks and financial services can gain valuable insights into how their links are performing, including the number of clicks, geographic location of users, and referral sources. This data can help in refining marketing strategies and understanding customer behavior.
  • Branding and Customization: Some URL shorteners allow customization of the shortened link, enabling banks to maintain their branding consistency. This can be particularly important for financial institutions looking to establish and reinforce their corporate identity.
  • Link Management: URL shorteners often provide link management features that allow banks to edit, update, or deactivate links as needed. This flexibility can be advantageous for time-sensitive campaigns or when redirecting users to different landing pages.

III. Cons of Using External URL Shortener Services in Banking

  • Security Concerns: Banks deal with sensitive customer data and financial transactions, making security a top priority. Using external URL shorteners may raise concerns about data privacy and potential vulnerabilities. There is a risk of links being manipulated to redirect users to malicious websites, phishing scams, or fraudulent activities.
  • Loss of Control: Relying on third-party URL shortener services means giving up a degree of control over your links. If the service experiences downtime or goes offline, it can disrupt your marketing campaigns and damage your reputation.
  • Dependence on External Providers: External URL shortener services can change their policies, pricing, or even shut down without notice. This can lead to a lack of continuity and consistency in your marketing materials.
  • Limited Customization: While many URL shorteners offer customization options, they may not provide the same level of branding control as using your domain for link shortening. This can result in a less cohesive and recognizable online presence for your bank.

IV. SEO Guidelines and Considerations

  • Impact on SEO: Using external URL shortener services may have mixed effects on your SEO efforts. On one hand, short URLs can improve user experience by making links more appealing and easy to share. However, when using third-party services, you miss out on the SEO benefits of having keyword-rich, descriptive URLs.
  • Link Authority: Shortened URLs typically do not pass on the same amount of link authority (link juice) as full-length, descriptive URLs. This means that, from an SEO perspective, your shortened links may not carry as much weight when it comes to search engine rankings.
  • Risk of Broken Links: If an external URL shortener service goes offline or changes its policies, it can result in broken links across your digital marketing materials. This can harm your SEO efforts and lead to a negative user experience.
  • Best Practice: To strike a balance between improved user experience and SEO considerations, banks and financial institutions should use their own branded short domain for link shortening. This allows for both customization and control while maintaining a consistent online presence.

V. Conclusion: Is It Wise for Banks/Financial Services to Use External URL Shortener Services?

The decision to use external URL shortener services in the banking sector should be made after careful consideration of the advantages and disadvantages. While these services offer benefits like improved user experience, tracking capabilities, and link management, they also come with security concerns, loss of control, and potential SEO drawbacks.

To make an informed choice, banks and financial institutions should consider the following factors:

  • Security: Ensure that the chosen URL shortener service prioritizes security and has measures in place to protect sensitive data and users from potential threats.
  • Branding: Evaluate whether the URL shortener allows for sufficient customization to maintain branding consistency.
  • SEO Impact: Weigh the potential SEO benefits against the drawbacks. Consider using a branded short domain to retain control and optimize links for search engines.
  • Reliability: Assess the reliability and track record of the external URL shortener service to minimize the risk of disruptions in your marketing campaigns.

Ultimately, while external URL shortener services can be a valuable tool in a bank or financial service’s digital marketing arsenal, they should be chosen and used judiciously to strike a balance between user experience, security, and SEO considerations.

Proactive Digital’s Effective Digital Marketing Services

For banks and financial institutions looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts, Proactive Digital offers a range of effective services. Our expertise includes:

  • Bulk SMS Services: Reach a wide audience quickly and efficiently with our bulk SMS services. Stay connected with your customers and deliver important updates and promotions directly to their mobile devices.
  • IVR Services: Improve customer engagement and streamline communications with interactive voice response (IVR) services. Provide personalized experiences and valuable information through automated phone systems.

At Proactive Digital, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the banking sector. Our tailored solutions are designed to help you achieve your marketing goals while adhering to industry standards and best practices.


In conclusion, the use of external URL shortener services in the banking sector can be beneficial when approached with caution and consideration. By weighing the pros and cons, prioritizing security, and aligning with SEO guidelines, banks, and financial services can make informed decisions that enhance their digital marketing efforts while safeguarding their customers and reputation.

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