Understanding DLT Mandate by TRAI for Bulk SMS

In a world where digital communication is paramount, Bulk SMS (Short Message Service) has become a vital tool for businesses to connect with their audience effectively. However, as the use of Bulk SMS proliferated, so did concerns about spam, fraud, and misuse. In response to these concerns, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) introduced a significant regulatory framework involving Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to ensure secure and responsible usage of Bulk SMS. This blog post delves into what DLT mandate by TRAI is and how TRAI has implemented it to streamline Bulk SMS service in India.

What is Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)?

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is a decentralized digital system that records transactions across a network of computers. Unlike a traditional centralized database, DLT operates on a distributed network, where each participant, or node, maintains a copy of the entire ledger. Transactions are added to the ledger only when there is a consensus among the network participants. The core principles of DLT include decentralization, transparency, immutability, and security.

DLT Mandate by TRAI

In June 2018, TRAI took a significant step to combat the issues related to Bulk SMS by introducing a framework that mandated the use of DLT. The primary objectives of this mandate were:

  • Curbing Unsolicited Communication: The mandate aimed to curb the menace of spam and unsolicited communication, ensuring that users receive only relevant and desired messages.
  • Enhancing User Privacy and Data Security: By implementing DLT, TRAI sought to enhance data security and protect the privacy of users by creating a more secure environment for communication.
  • Improving Transparency and Accountability: The DLT framework aimed to bring in transparency by providing a comprehensive and auditable record of all communications, thus ensuring accountability.

How DLT Works for Bulk SMS

Under the DLT mandate by TRAI, entities that send Bulk SMS are required to register on a DLT platform provided by authorized telecom operators. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Entity Registration: Businesses need to register on the DLT platform, providing necessary details and documentation for verification.
  2. Header Approval: Each sender entity is allocated a unique sender ID or header after due verification. This ensures that only authorized and genuine entities can send SMS.
  3. Message Scrubbing and Approval: Before sending SMS, the content is scrubbed against predefined templates and guidelines set by TRAI. Messages that comply with these guidelines are approved for sending.
  4. Message Submission: Approved messages are submitted to the DLT platform for further processing and dissemination.
  5. Real-time Monitoring and Reporting: The DLT platform provides real-time monitoring and reporting, allowing businesses to track the delivery status and performance of their messages.

Benefits of DLT Mandate by TRAI

  • Reduced Spam: By authenticating and authorizing senders, the DLT mandate has significantly reduced spam and unsolicited messages, providing a better user experience.
  • Enhanced Security: DLT has enhanced the security of communication by validating the sender’s identity and ensuring only authorized entities can send messages.
  • Improved Transparency: The DLT framework has brought in transparency and accountability to the Bulk SMS ecosystem, benefiting both businesses and consumers.


Introduction of DLT mandate by TRAI for Bulk SMS has been a game-changer in the Indian communication landscape. It has provided a much-needed mechanism to regulate and secure Bulk SMS services, fostering responsible communication and protecting users from spam and fraudulent activities. As businesses continue to adapt to this regulatory framework, it’s evident that DLT is a crucial tool in maintaining the integrity and reliability of Bulk SMS services in India.

Moreover, Proactive Digital goes beyond just delivering messages; we provide complete DLT related assistance along with comprehensive suite of services, including personalized support, detailed SMS reporting, and integration options with APIs, ensuring that your SMS marketing campaigns are not just efficient but also highly effective.

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